AquaPure - 2kg Stabilised Chlorine Tablets with UV Protection

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SKU: AQU-0848-HP
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AquaPure Stabilised Chlorine Tablets with UV protection are a Convenient, long-lasting chlorine tablets with built-in stabiliser.

Can be used all year round or during the off-season as a winteriser.


AquaPure Stabilised Chlorine Tablets with UV protection dissolve slowly when placed in the pool's skimmer or a floating chlorine dispenser, releasing chlorine into the water over a period of time. This process helps to kill bacteria and other harmful organisms that may be present in the pool water.

The tablets are designed to dissolve slowly and maintain a consistent level of chlorine in the pool water. This is important because too little chlorine can lead to the growth of harmful bacteria, while too much chlorine can irritate swimmers' skin and eyes.

  • Slow-dissolving tablets

  • High chlorine content - almost 90%

  • Contains a built in chlorine stabiliser

  • Easy to use - simply add tablets to the skimmer or floating dispenser

  • Designed to maintain a consistent level of chlorine in pool water

  • Reduces the amount of time and effort needed for pool maintenance

  • More convenient than other forms of chlorine, such as liquid or granular